One year ago I got my diagnosis. I've spent a lot of time wondering how I was going to feel when this day came. Earlier this week I felt some of that anxiety from last year came back. But all week I've kept forgetting what Thursday represents, which I think is a good thing. I might think about it here and there tomorrow, but I don't anticipate that it's going to consume my day. I got the call from my doctor just after seven, and I have a work thing tomorrow night, so I imagine that will be a good distraction for the actual anniversary of "the moment". All in all, I thought I was going to be more reflective. But I'm not that interested in reflection.
Ever since treatment's been over, I've just wanted to look forward. I love that there are people I've met in the last few months that have no idea what I went through--they just think I have short hair. More than anything, I'm thankful for the new friends that I gained as a result of last year. A lot of people came in my life last year and I'll always be thankful for that. We couldn't have gone through the last year with all of the amazing support that we received. Many of those people have faded back to their lives and I'm not in contact with all of them, but I'm lucky enough to count some of them as better friends who are in my life a lot more.
This is my 48th entry. I had a busy few weeks of prep sessions with the plastic surgeon, follow-ups with various other docs and an MRI (which was clear). I have a mammogram coming up and a check in with my oncologist in May, but other than that, I'm mainly looking forward to our vacation to California at the end of the month! In the interest of blatant self-promotion, don't forget my new blog!