Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Written last week but never this point I only have two treatments left!  I'm still a little amazed that I'm as excited as I am.  I wasn't expected to be this excited.

This week I hit the single digits in the number of radiation treatments left.  Two weeks from today, barring no machine breakdowns or snow storms or a pause in treatment because my skin is too red, I will be done with radiation and "active treatment".

I didn't think I was going to be this excited, but at this point, I really am.  Of course, I'm doing a race with some friends on Sunday, December 8.  If my treatment gets pushed past that, that would kind of stink, since part of the point of the race is to celebrate being done with treatment.

So cross your fingers and toes! 


  1. Crossing my fingers and bracing for your crossing of the finish line!

  2. Can't wait to run over the finish line with you- you are my hero!

  3. Good luck at the race!!! It will be the most memorable I am sure.
