Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A pre-surgery update

As you know from reading my last post, last week wasn't great.  But it got better.  Last Thursday I had a post-chemo check-in with my oncologist.  While irrelevant, the tumor had shrunk quite a bit.  Anyway, I broke down in her office about the upcoming surgery and how I was struggling with the double mastectomy.  Then she gave me the best news--I didn't have to get the double mastectomy.  It was still recommended to remove the left boob, but I could wait for the right one when I have the reconstruction next year.  I was thrilled and instantly the surgery didn't seem as daunting anymore. 

Quick aside: Many people ask why I have to wait for the reconstruction.  You might remember back when I had my lymph node biopsy, the results showed that the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes.  Only 3 out of the 10 nodes had cancer, but since there was cancer in the nodes, I won the chance for radiation.  The radiation oncologist and the plastic surgeon both prefer that patients wait for the reconstruction. The radiologist wants a clear path to what he's radiating, and the plastic surgeon doesn't want his work muddied by radiation.

Knowing I got to keep my right boob for several more months was huge.  I felt so much lighter after I got that news.  I also got angry that it was my woman oncologist that brought up this option to me, not my male surgeons.  From the moment I met with the surgeons, they made it seem like it was all or nothing.  I was basically a ticking time bomb, and it wasn't a matter of if I'd get cancer again, it was a matter of when. At no point did they say I could have the left breast removed and get the right one removed when I went back for reconstruction.

To add insult to injury, the plastic surgeon's nurse called me shortly after my oncologist sent a note out to my team to make sure I was aware there might by symmetry issues if I waited until the reconstruction to have the right breast removed.  You know what?  That's a chance I'm willing to take.  What is it with this male doctors?

All that being said, I was still pretty anxious going up to the surgery (which was yesterday).  I'll write more later, but I did want to send a quick update of the change of plans.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you and wondering how you are feeling post- surgery. xoxo
